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The Mãe D'água Temple was envisioned by the dear Madrinha Yatra, in 2004. And together with her band and friends of the journey who accompanied her since 1996, the Temple was built with the intention of being a center of light.

Over the years, many ceremonies took place in this ground, many prayers, many medicine men and women have passed through and brought some of their light and teachings.

It is a sacred house, protected and blessed by divine beings and entities of nature.



In ceremonies, blessed with pure light, the divine expresses itself through music, as a way of praying and giving thanks. Most of the hymns sung in the ceremonies are from the members of the tribe. Their songs lead us to the contemplation of the inner self, in an environment where love, healing, gratitude, joy, abundance and celebration happen naturally, allowing God within each one to manifest.

Time to be defined
Alto Paraíso de Goiás


Do not eat anything 3 hours prior to rituals. Wear white clothes or light color for ceremonies . Have a blanket, a cushion and/or a pillow, warm clothes and a bottle of water for a comfortable journey.


Any medicine containing MAO inhibitors (Neural Enzyme Monoamine Oxidase) and or SSRIs such as anti-depressants like Prozac etc, can lead to coma and eventually to death when taken in combination with Ayahuasca or it’s analogues. Sedatives and Tranquilizers, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Amphetamines, Asarone/Calamus, Tryptophan (large doses), Tyrosine (large doses), Phenelanine (large doses), Macromerine, decongestants, allergy medications, cold medications, diet pills, Methylphemidate, Asthma-inhalers, Meperidine, Levopoda, Dopamine, Carbamazipine, some antihypertensive medications, Beta-Blockers, Sympathomimetic Amines (acting directly and/or indirectly), including Pseudoephedrine and Ephedrine.


Do not drink alcohol and/or use drugs on the day of the ritual. People with mental disorders cannot use ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca is not for everyone!


We give thanks to our godmother Yatra Barbosa

for the inspiration, and for starting this movement.


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Alto Paraíso de Goiás (GO), Brazil

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