Time to be defined
|Location to be defined

Hour & Location
Time to be defined
Location to be defined
About the event
The Inipi ceremony is a purification ritual (temazcal), a spiritual experience that reconnects participants with their essence, with the universe and nature. It represents the return to the womb of our mother earth, where life originated.
It is a place where all elements are contained and where each realm and stage of creation is represented. A sacred rebirth that has healing powers on all levels of life.
Praying and sweating with the help of fire and stones, guided by the medicine man/woman, incense and cedar are used to connect us with the elements and essences of plants, and their medicinal vapors that help us purify our physical bodies, and The stars help us remember our true nature... the brightness of our souls.
All of this is done in a tent made of bamboo and covered in blankets. In these dark conditions allowing us to face our fears, we learn to cross our own darkness and give thanks to Life.
Dates, times and contribution amounts will be announced soon.